Snoreeze Throat Spray 23.5ml 止鼾咽喉喷雾 23.5ml
Strefen 氟比洛芬 蜂蜜柠檬含片治疗喉咙痛 x16(嗓子干,痒,痛,柠檬口味润喉糖)Strefen Honey & Lemon Lozenges for sore throat x 16
Strepsils Extra Triple Action Blackcurrant Lozenges 24粒 (Strepsils三倍功效润喉糖黑加仑味)
Strepsils 使立消蜂蜜和柠檬润喉糖(有效缓解喉咙痛嗓子痛咽喉痛)Honey & Lemon Lozenges for sore throat
Strepsils 立消润喉糖 (有效缓解喉咙痛嗓子痛咽喉痛)薄荷口味36粒/盒 Menthol - 36 lozenges
Strepsils Sore Throat & Cough - 24 lozenges
英国最畅销Sudafed鼻塞喷雾剂(通气顺畅瞬间改善鼻子堵塞鼻塞过敏) Blocked Nose Spray- 15ml/支 (可发英/中,发中国税费自理)
£6.99 £7.19
Sudafed通鼻抗充血片(缓解鼻塞,含伪麻黄碱) Decongestant tablets 12粒 每人限购一盒
Sudafed Sinus-Ease 0.1% Nasal Spray鼻腔喷雾剂
Ultra Chloraseptic嗓子疼,咽喉疼痛镇静麻醉镇痛喉咙喷雾15ml/100喷Ultra Chloraseptic Original Menthol Throat Spray – 15ml
Vicks inhaler nasal stick(缓解鼻塞,速效减充血剂,用于鼻塞) 鼻子吸入缓解棒 1支(可发英/中,发中国税费自理)
Vicks Vaporub Mint Paste adults Children with Nasal Pass to Nasal Nasal Paste, alleviating cough and cold and influenza-like symptoms 4-in-1 COLD SYMPTOM RELIEF 100G