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Dioralyte 用于替代人体必需的水和盐,用于治疗婴儿、儿童和成人的急性腹泻。早期使用对于避免脱水很重要,尤其是在年轻人和老年人中。
Dioralyte 含有葡萄糖和盐(这些是氯化钠、氯化钾和柠檬酸氢二钠)。服用前将粉末与水混合。
将一袋 Dioralyte 的内容物溶解在 200 毫升(约 7 液量盎司)的饮用水中。为成人和儿童使用新鲜的饮用水。对于婴儿,如果没有饮用水,应将水新鲜煮沸,然后冷却。
溶液应在使用前立即配制。如果冷藏,则溶液最多可储存 24 小时,否则应丢弃重组后一小时剩余的任何溶液。Dioralyte 只能用水重新配制并达到规定的体积。较小或较大的稀释可能导致电解质失衡。
1. 将 1 小袋的内容物倒入玻璃杯中。
2. 加入 200 毫升(7 液量盎司)水。
3. 搅拌至粉末溶解。
- 如果您生病了,请小口小口服用药物
- 腹泻初期最好不要吃东西
- 如果腹泻持续超过 24 到 48 小时,请去看医生
成人(包括老人):每次松动后一到两包(每包溶解在 200 毫升水中)。
2岁以下婴儿: 该药只能在医生指导下服用
- 医生会根据宝宝的体重计算出给宝宝多少。这通常是宝宝 24 小时内正常液体量的一到一倍半。
- 最初,如果您是奶瓶喂养或其他食物,则应停止
- 如果您是母乳喂养,请继续正常喂养。您的宝宝可能需要较少的母乳,因此您可能需要挤出一些母乳
- 如果您不确定要给予多少,请咨询您的医生或药剂师
- 如果您的宝宝生病了,您可以每 5 分钟喂一次 5-10 毫升(一或两茶匙)。这逐渐增加,直到他们能够正常饮用。
对于 3 个月至 1 岁的婴儿,请务必使用刚煮沸和冷却的水。
如果您患有肠梗阻、糖尿病、肾或肝功能衰竭,或正在低钾或低钠饮食,请在使用 Dioralyte 之前咨询您的医生或药剂师。
不要使用多于或少于 200 毫升的水。如果这样做,饮料会变得太淡或太浓。它也不会起作用。您也可能会破坏体内盐分的平衡。
2 岁以下的婴儿腹泻应尽快就医。
饮料应在饮用前配制。1 小时后(如果存放在冰箱中,则为 24 小时)丢弃任何剩余的饮料。
在 EXP 后的纸箱和小袋上注明的有效期后,请勿使用 Dioralyte。到期日是指当月的最后一天。
储存于 25ºC 以下
- 如果您有潜在的医疗状况、正在服用任何其他药物或补充疗法,或者如果症状持续存在,请咨询您的医生或药剂师
- 如果您怀孕、计划怀孕、哺乳或患有过敏症,请在使用前寻求建议。
有效成分:每袋含氯化钠 0.47g、氯化钾 0.30g、葡萄糖 3.56g、柠檬酸氢二钠 0.53g。
What are Dioralyte Sachets?
Dioralyte Sachets are designed to help to rehydrate those who are suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting that has caused dehydration. If you’re suffering from dehydration and need a way to rehydrate and replace the essential salts your body has lost, Dioralyte could be the perfect product for you. This product comes in three flavours: natural, citrus, and blackcurrant, in packs of 6 or 20 sachets.
When would I need rehydration sachets?
Your body needs to be hydrated to function at its best, there are many reasons why you may be dehydrated, with diarrhoea and vomiting being two of the most common causes of dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your body won’t just be missing water, but essential salts that your body needs too. If you are dehydrated, you may experience the following symptoms:
Feeling thirsty
Dark yellow or strong-smelling pee
Dizziness or light-headedness
Dry mouth, lips, or eyes
Not using the bathroom as much as usual, or fewer than 4 times a day
If you are feeling dehydrated, you could use rehydration sachets to help to provide your body with the water and salts it needs to avoid these symptoms and function properly.
Why does vomiting cause dehydration?
If you’re vomiting regularly while you’re ill, you can become dehydrated. This is because your body is losing more fluids than it’s taking in, and it’s also losing essential salts and nutrients when you throw up. Your body needs water to function properly, so when you’re losing fluids through vomiting or diarrhoea you can become dehydrated quite easily.
How do oral rehydration sachets help with dehydration?
Oral rehydration sachets like Dioralyte rehydrate your body by helping to replace the water and salts that your body loses when you are dehydrated or have diarrhoea. They contain salts and glucose which helps your body to absorb electrolytes and water more efficiently, helping to provide the perfect balance of electrolytes that your body needs to remain healthy.
Can I take these sachets if I’m taking other medication?
If you’re taking any other medication, including those you obtained without a prescription or herbal remedies, you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Dioralyte. This product can affect the way some medicines work, and it can be affected by other medicines itself, but a doctor can help you to avoid this.
Can I take this product if I’m pregnant?
You should speak to your doctor or pharmacist before taking this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some products may not be suitable for you to take at this time, and if you’re vomiting or have diarrhoea during pregnancy then it would be a good idea to get your doctor’s advice.
Is this product suitable for children and babies?
Dioralyte sachets are suitable for children and babies who have diarrhoea and need rehydration. However, if your baby is younger than 2 years old, you should only give them this product under the guidance of a doctor. Your doctor will need to work out how much Dioralyte you should give to your baby, based on how much they weigh.
How to use Dioralyte Sachets
To use Dioralyte Sachets, just empty one sachet into a 200ml glass of water and stir until powder dissolves. Drink after every loose stool. If you are treating children, one sachet in 200ml of water will be enough, but some adults may find that 2 sachets dissolved in 400ml of water will be needed. Always use fresh drinking water with Dioralyte Sachets, do not dissolve the powder in anything else.
Can I mix these sachets with anything other than water?
Dioralyte oral rehydration sachets should only be mixed with water, as mixing with other liquids can affect how well this product works. For example, the ingredients in other drinks may affect the essential salts that are in this product, making the solution less effective than it should be at easing dehydration.