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- 暂时麻醉皮肤
- 半小时内即可感受到麻醉的效果
- 可在疫苗注射或验血前使用
Emla 是一种麻醉霜,用于减轻针头手术的疼痛,包括注射、疫苗接种和血液检查,以及涉及针头或激光的美容皮肤手术,如纹身或激光脱毛。
为了达到麻木效果,您需要在手术前30- 60 分钟左右将 Emla 涂抹在皮肤上,并始终用合适的封闭敷料覆盖该区域。通常,去除麻醉膏以后后,麻木效果会持续两个小时,但是当 Emla 用于您的脸上时,这个时间会更短。
Emla 无需处方即可使用,这意味着您可以从王药师大药房在线购买。
- 在使用麻醉剂之前,请阅读随附的患者信息手册。
- 在手术前 60 分钟,将 Emla 霜直接涂抹在皮肤上。
- 用不透气、不吸水和透明的封闭敷料覆盖面霜,使活性成分渗入皮肤,不会被擦掉
- 远离儿童的视线和接触
- 用于皮肤局部麻醉
- 仔细阅读患者信息手册,并严格按照针对您的情况提供的说明进行操作
- 储存在30°C以下,不要冷冻
- Emla 应该在您的手术前应用于皮肤的时间长度可能因年龄和手术而异
- 如果给 1 岁以下的孩子使用,必须在一小时后取下面霜
- 使用过面霜后,您可能会出现轻微反应,这是正常现象,会在短时间内消失。这包括; 皮肤苍白或发红,轻微浮肿,初期灼热或瘙痒
- 如果您在使用 Emla Cream 时遇到任何麻烦或不寻常的效果,请停止使用并尽快咨询您的医生或药剂师。
Emla 含有两种活性物质,利多卡因和丙胺卡因,它们共同产生麻木作用。其他成分是聚乙二醇羟基硬脂酸酯、卡波姆 974P、氢氧化钠和纯净水。
What is ELMA Cream Used For?
EMLA Cream - 5g Tube (No Dressings) is suitable if you plan to use EMLA occasionally and if you only need to numb a small area of skin (e.g. for immunisations or blood tests). A 5g tube is typically enough for two applications of Emla Cream. Dressings are not included so if you choose this pack, you will need to obtain suitable dressings to cover the cream.
Elma cream is perfect for children when it comes to their first inoculations and vaccinations. This product is safe for infants and makes the experience less unpleasant.
Other Uses for ELMA Cream?
As well as numbing you before blood tests, injections and inoculations, Elma Cream can be used for tattoos and tattoo removal.
How does Emla Numbing Cream Work?
Emla Cream contains prilocaine and lidocaine, two active ingredients that help numb the skin for at least two hours.
When Emla cream is applied to the skin, the lidocaine and prilocaine help prevent pain signals passing from that area to the brain thus helping to ease the pain otherwise caused by needles or minor cosmetic skin procedures.
What is Emla Numbing Cream Used For?
- It can be used to numb the skin before needle procedures such as injections, vaccinations, blood tests and cannula insertions.
- It can be used prior to cosmetic skin procedures involving needles or lasers e.g. tattoo application and laser hair removal.
- It can be used with children of any age (from full-time birth) prior to needle procedures, including childhood immunisations to reduce pain and make it less distressing for you or your child when visiting a doctor. (Note: if using for a child less than 1-year-old, you must remove the cream after one hour)