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- 柔软温和,适合娇嫩肌肤
- 100%纯棉,天然吸水
- 最适合宝宝。最适合你。
- 非常适合涂抹和卸妆
婴儿刚出生时,皮肤是最娇嫩的。这就是为什么我们在 125 年来不断完善我们的产品,使它们现在对所有人更加温和。
JOHNSON'S ®棉球旨在保持其形状,并且不会在宝宝的皮肤上留下不需要的棉纤维。也非常适合儿童和成人!
我们只选择对婴儿温和且符合我们的 Best for Baby™ 标准的高品质组件。
- Soft and gentle for use on delicate skin
- Naturally absorbent with 100% pure cotton
- Best for baby. Best for you.
- Ideal for applying and removing make-up
When a baby is born, their skin is at its most delicate. That’s why we perfected our products over 125 years so they’re now even more gentle for all.
JOHNSON'S® cotton balls are designed to maintain their shape and not leave unwanted cotton fibres on your baby’s skin. Great for kids and adults too!
We only choose high quality components that are gentle for baby and meet our Best for Baby™ Standards.