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Olbas Oil 是一种必需的纯植物油混合物,可通过吸入缓解粘膜炎、感冒和鼻窦阻塞,支气管以及花粉热,并通过涂抹在皮肤上缓解肌肉疼痛的症状。 请远离儿童的视线和接触。如果您对任何成分过敏,请勿使用。怀孕或哺乳时最好不要服用任何非必要的药物。在服用任何药物之前,请咨询您的医生或药剂师。如果 7 天后症状恶化或没有改善,您必须联系医生。不要将滴剂滴入鼻子或嘴里。如果不慎吞食,请立即就医。 Cajuput 油 18.50%,丁香油 0.1%,桉树油 35.45%,杜松子油 2.7%,左薄荷脑 4.1%,水杨酸甲酯 3.7%,薄荷油 35.45% 使用前请仔细阅读随附的传单。仅用于吸入及未破损皮肤外用。作为吸入剂:清除疼痛的鼻窦,缓解鼻塞。 使用方法:仅用于未破损皮肤的吸入或外用。 3 个月至 2 岁的儿童:将 1 滴加入纸巾中并靠近鼻子,让儿童吸入蒸气 不建议 3 个月以下的婴儿使用。 作为一个外用:见包装传单。警告或限制
2 岁及以上的成人和儿童:将 2 或 3 滴加入纸巾中并吸入蒸气。可以在晚上使用或添加到热水中。避免直接接触儿童的皮肤.
Olbas Oil is a mixture of essential pure plant oils for relief of bronchial and nasal congestion and hay fever by inhalation, and for symptomatic relief of muscular pain by application to the skin.
Inhalant decongestant oil
Warnings or Restrictions
Please keep out of the sight and reach of children. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. It is best not to take any non-essential medication when pregnant or breastfeeding. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. You must contact a doctor if symptoms worsen or do not improve after 7 days. Do not put drops into nose or mouth. If accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical advice.
Product Specification
Cajuput Oil 18.50%, Clove Oil 0.1%, Eucalyptus Oil 35.45%, Juniperberry Oil 2.7%, Levomenthol 4.1%, Methyl Salicylate 3.7%, Mint Oil partly dementholised 35.45%
Height (10.5) Width (3.8) Depth (3.8)