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Omacor 已被证明对心脏病发作后的心脏具有保护作用,并降低血液中甘油三酯(一种脂肪样物质)的水平。每个胶囊含有活性成分二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 和二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 乙酯。这些物质被称为 omega-3 多不饱和脂肪酸,也存在于一些油性海洋鱼类中。Omacor 已被证明对心脏病发作后的心脏具有保护作用,并降低血液中甘油三酯(一种脂肪样物质)的水平。Omacor 胶囊还含有 4mg α-生育酚、明胶、甘油和纯净水。Omacor 有 28 粒胶囊和 100 粒胶囊的包装。
Omacor 是做什么用的?
与其他药物联合使用,用于心脏病发作后的治疗,以降低进一步心脏病发作的风险并提高总体存活率。治疗某些患者血液中甘油三酯水平过高,但仅在改变饮食后无效。如果您正在服用抗凝药物(稀释血液的药物,例如华法林),您可能需要进行额外的血液检查并调整您通常的抗凝剂量。如果您的肝脏有问题,您的医生将通过验血监测 Omacor 可能对您的肝脏产生的任何影响。
如何服用 Omacor
心脏病发作后的治疗:常用剂量是每天一粒胶囊。高甘油三酯血症(高血甘油三酯水平):按照医生的建议,常用剂量为每天 2 至 4 粒胶囊。如果您错过了一次服药,请在记住时服用,除非快到下一次服药的时间了,在这种情况下,照常服用下一次服药。不要增加剂量以弥补错过的剂量。
在服用 Omacor 之前
在服用任何新药之前,请务必告知您的医生 - 除非绝对必要,否则不应在怀孕和哺乳期间使用 Omacor。Omacor 不应给予儿童。
如果您对 Omacor 或胶囊中的任何成分过敏,则不应服用 Omacor。如果出现以下情况,您应该在服用 Omacor 之前询问您的医生:
- 您正在服用抗凝药物(阿华法林等稀释血液的药物)
- 你有肝病
- 您最近接受过手术或遭受过创伤
- 您已年满 70 岁
- 你患有肾病
- 你是糖尿病患者,你的病情没有得到控制。
如果您有任何疑问,请咨询您的全科医生或药剂师。Omacor 的储存 不要将您的胶囊储存在 25 °C 以上。不要冻结。将所有药物放在儿童接触不到的地方。外包装上的有效期后请勿使用。您应在使用前仔细阅读所有产品包装和标签
Omacor Capsules contains the active ingredients of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ethyl esters.
These substances are called omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Omacor has been shown to have a protective effect on the heart following a heart attack and lowers the levels of triglycerides (a fat-like substance) in the blood.
What is Omacor Capsules Used for?
In combination with other medicines, for treatment after a heart attack to reduce the risk of further heart attacks and improve overall survival.
To treat high levels of triglyceride in the blood of certain patients, but only after changes to the diet have been ineffective.
You should take special care with Omacor if:
you are due to have or have had recent surgery
you have kidney problems
you are diabetic and are not controlling it
you have had a recent trauma
you have liver problems
You must speak to your doctor before taking Omacor if you are taking other medicines, particularly medicines to stop blood clotting as you may need extra blood tests.
Omacor Capsule 1000mg - Each capsule contains the active ingredients eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) ethyl esters. These substances are called omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids