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- Simply Cotton 圆形棉羊毛化妆垫 80 片,非常适合卸妆或涂抹爽肤水
- 重量轻,可滑过您的脸部而不会拉扯您的皮肤
- 当它们扫过皮肤表面时温和抵抗刺激
- 圆形形状专为您的脸部轮廓和娇嫩的眼部区域设计
- 柔软、吸水,由 100% 纯棉制成
- 擦拭顽固化妆品、涂抹护肤品或去除指甲油的理想之选
- Simply Cotton Round Cotton Wool Cosmetic Pads 80 Pack, perfect for removing makeup or applying toner
- Lightweight to glide across your face without tugging at your skin
- Gentle to resist irritation as they sweep over the skin’s surface
- Circular shape designed for the contours of your face and delicate eye areas
- Soft, absorbent, and crafted from 100% pure cotton
- Ideal for wiping away stubborn cosmetics, applying skincare products, or removing nail varnish