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Otrivine Child Nasal Drops 是一种有效的减充血剂,可在几分钟内温和地清除阻塞的鼻子,并在长达十小时内缓解过多的鼻腔分泌物。
如果您的孩子正在服用其他药物,或者正在接受医生的护理,请在使用 Otrivine 之前咨询您的医生。
准妈妈在自己使用 Otrivine 之前应咨询医生。
出于卫生原因,请勿在首次打开后超过 28 天使用此瓶子。
每个 Otrivine 包只能由一个人使用,以防止任何交叉感染。
储存于 25ºC 以下。防热。
What are Otrivine Child Nasal Drops?
Otrivine Child Nasal Drops are designed for kids who are suffering from blocked or stuffy noses. Ideal for children aged 6 and over, Otrivine Child Nasal Drops help to open the nasal passages so your little one can breathe easily and start to feel a whole lot better.
Why does my child have a blocked nose?
There are many reasons why children might suffer from a blocked nose, and most of the time it’s nothing to worry about. Some of the most common causes of blocked noses are:
Cold and flu
Sinusitis or a sinus infection
Hay fever or other allergies
Reaction to other medication
How will these nasal drops clear my child’s blocked nose?
Otrivine Child Nasal Drops contain the active ingredient xylometazoline hydrochloride, which helps to clear your nasal passages. It does this by helping swollen blood vessels in the nose return to their normal size and reducing the number of nasal secretions, clearing any blockage in the nose.
How to use Otrivine Child Nasal Drops.
Before using this product, clear and wipe your child’s nose. Tilt your child’s head right back and apply 1 – 2 Otrivine Child Nasal Drops into each nostril. Do this once or twice a day for no more than 5 days.