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感到疲倦和烦躁。Snufflebabe 滴鼻剂可以提供帮助。它们安全、
根据需要,或按照医生或药剂师的指示,在每个鼻孔中轻轻挤压 1 或 2 滴。开封 4 周后扔掉。如果症状持续存在,请咨询您的医生。
它们是如何工作的?花粉、灰尘、病毒和细菌都会聚集在鼻子里。Snufflebabe Nasal Drops 有助于冲洗它们并恢复水分,让宝宝的鼻子感觉更舒适。呸!
储存在 25°C 以下的干燥处。保持紧闭。如果密封破损或对任何成分敏感,请勿使用。这个瓶子在打开之前是无菌的。
氯化钠 0.9% w/w,苯扎氯铵溶液 0.02% w/w,水
What are Snufflebabe Nasal Drops?
Snufflebabe Nasal Drops are gentle drops which help to clear your baby’s blocked nose. These sterile drops clear blockage and irritants from your little one’s nose, so they can feel more comfortable and breathe more easily. These drops can be used from birth and are perfect to use before your baby goes to sleep or is fed, which can both be difficult or uncomfortable if your baby has a blocked nose.
Why does my baby have a blocked nose?
It’s not unusual for a baby to get a blocked nose, and although it’s usually harmless, it can make your little one feel irritated and fussy. There are lots of reasons why your baby may have a blocked nose, including:
A cold or other viral illness
Hay fever or allergies
Dry air, e.g. air in air-conditioned or heated rooms
Other irritants, e.g. perfumes, cigarette smoke, dust
How will Snufflebabe Nasal Drops help to clear my baby’s blocked nose?
Snufflebabe Nasal Drops are made from saline solution, which is gentle, sterile, and, most importantly, safe! It helps to clean away pollen, dust, bacteria, and mucus from the inside of your baby’s nose, helping them to feel more comfortable and removing the blockage. The gentle formula means that you can use it as much as you need to without irritating your baby’s sensitive nose, perfect for when they have a cold or during hay fever season.